
Tournament Itinerary
Pool Play Games
Activities / Extras
Pool Play Games
Activities / Extras
Bracket Play
Single Elimination
(Friday Play based on Sign Ups)
4 game Guarantee with 3 pool games seeding into Single Elimination.
The Entry fee is $595.
Pool Play and Bracket Play will be no new inning after 75 minutes and will include roster bat options as well as unlimited defensive substitutions.
​You can pay by check or online at www.UncleCharliesTournaments.com. ​
Teams must be USA sanctioned and provide proof of insurance, concussion certificate. Bring all items to Check-In or Electronic check-in option available by emailing all documents to checkin.unclecharlies@gmail.com
This is NOT a stay-to-play event however, we have set up room blocks and ask that teams needing rooms please book through our partners.
Please mention you are with Uncle Charlie's Tournaments when booking.
Softball Olympics (Free)
Platinum Awards For Pool Play
Homerun Derby*
Queen of The Circle Speed Pitch*
Carnival Games & Giveaways
For questions about the tournament please contact us directly. Text is the easiest way to get ahold of us.
Tournament Director- Shannon Cole 330-340-0784
Asst Tournament Director - Aaron O'Brien 330-203-8074